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4 bags multi-colored cotton balls: 10 Reals ($7.50)
Total cost: $7.50
Project: Healing Cotton Balls (Ouch)
Location: Rua Agusta con Fernando, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Date: 3/29/2008
Every city tenses at its thresholds – the zones between public and private are always fortified, whether physically or virtually, through architectural strategies, manned patrols, security cameras and systems, or combinations of all of these. This small-scale intervention was intended to respond to a common strategy of threshold defense in Sao Paulo, spikes set in concrete, in a way that both called attention to a habitual tactic of urban defense, and sought to temporarily appropriate an aggressive infrastructure with a small act of gentleness and delight.
Trotter: department of micro-urbanism
Sandoval: micro-resistances
Trotter, Marrikka
Sheehan Saldaña, Zoë
Sandoval, Claudia
Meuschke, Frank
Antebi, Nicole